Due to the ongoing pandemic, the elite institution located “just outside of Boston” can now be found “just inside the Internet.” To make sure online-only students don’t miss out on the experience of humble bragging about going to Harvard, the university released guidance for students looking for new ways to fake humility about their school in conversation.
“There are still a multitude of ways to not-so-subtly mention you go to Harvard,” said President Larry Bacow in a university-wide email on Tuesday. “For instance, you can say you went to the Unabomber’s Alma mater, or that you attend the most expensive online college to ever exist.”
Despite the many uncertainties caused by the coronavirus, the university is showing a clear commitment to making sure their students are prepared to drop the “H-bomb” in any and all conversations, even over Zoom.
Written by contributor Jack Stebbins. Check out Jack @stebbuns