Looking for some wholesome Saint Patrick’s Day events to attend after scarfing down a full Irish? Well, look no further! There’s something on this list for everyone.
‘I’m More Irish Than You’ Competition
Prove to other attendees that you are the most Irish person there by presenting historical documentation or proof you’re related to Conan O’Brien.
Let’s Get (Another) Shamrock Tattoo!
Increasing discounts for each shamrock tattoo you already have or plan to get. Free “Póg Mo Thóin” lettering available on any tattoos below the belt.
Grab A Church Bulletin Relay Race
Run into the parish you haven’t gone to in years and grab a bulletin. Hand it off to your parents to prove you went to mass and make them proud for once.
Best Irish Soda Bread Contest
Don’t you dare show your face if your granny stole her recipe from someone else’s granny. Talking to you, Mary Colleen.
Scally Cap Fit Testing
Participants will don their best fitting scally and bar brawl with other attendees. Last one standing with scally on their head wins! (There is no cash prize for this event, only pride, which is far more valuable.)
‘We Can Make Our Own Damn Parade’ Parade
Instead of getting lost for hours in a drunk noisy crowd in Southie, create your own drunk noisy crowd, anywhere! Grab some Baileys, Guinness, Dr. McGillicuddy’s, etc, then go buy a few penny whistles and borrow your family heirloom uilleann pipes. Now go block traffic for a few hours!
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